Kenny Erleben


Kenny Erleben's Personal Web Page


My name is Kenny Erleben. I am a full professor in computer graphics and simulation at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Kenny Erleben

I am leading a research section named IMAGE. One can read more about the IMAGE research section on this web-site. IMAGE has about 10 faculty staff, 2 Postdocs and 20 PhDs. The numbers fluctuate a bit depending on funding and projects that we are involved in. IMAGE is organized into smaller research teams, my own team is called RAINBOW and has about 15 people.

In my team we are really interested in how to build simulators and how to use data-driven approaches together with simulation. Hence, our work ranges from inventing new numerical methods for simulation to use simulation for generating data for machine learning or learning physical models from real-world data. Some topics that I am currently very much interested in are:

All of the above items have one common challenge that need to be solved, namely that someone has to invent and build a simulator.

One can have a glimpse at the kind of research topics that I really like to work with from the selection of research papers on this publications page. Many of the works on this page have links to movies and supplementary material as well.

Social media

I use these mostly for sharing news about scientific events or research results.


I really love to code when I get the chance to actually do it. Below you can find a few of my own private projects that I am tinkering with whenever I have the chance.

How to get in contact with me

If you are interested in knowing more about my research then feel free to drop me an email,

My physical address is this

Address:Kenny Erleben, Professor, Ph.D.
University of Copenhagen
Department of Computer Science
Universitetsparken 1
2100 København Ø
Office: 3.2.07